About Me - Andra DeVoght (she/her)

Welcome to Insight Physio. This work weaves together the knowledge and experiences of the nearly 3 decades I have spent immersed in the fields of physical therapy, public health and somatic practices.

 My career as a physical therapist began in 1995. I spent my first ten years working at an academic teaching hospital and trauma center. This experience drew me to the study of public health and yoga in order to better understand what causes suffering and what leads to health. In 2005 I completed a master’s degree in public health and my first yoga teacher certification. With the perspectives gained from those studies, I started a private physical therapy practice on Vashon Island and began teaching yoga and health education classes. My public health training impressed upon me the importance of health for women and girls, and its profound impact on future generations. The specialization in women’s health is a growing niche in physical therapy that I am happy to offer to women in my community. I continue to study as much as I can about the ways that health is influenced by our social circumstances, stress and coping. Most recently I completed a certificate in Somatic Experiencing which helps me weave the psychology of the body and a better understanding of trauma into the work I do.

 I am committed to being able to think outside of the box while still maintaining integrity around my scope of practice. Humans are complex, in a beautiful way, and I do my best to tend to the many facets of the people who seek my care. I am just as interested in the details of a person’s physiology as I am in the broad social circumstances in which they have lived. I don’t believe in assessing someone’s health without putting it into the context of their life story.

 I am honored to do this work and I am grateful for all of the people who teach me how to do it well.